December 14, 2002
She gave him a small kiss on the cheek and undid the button and zipper that held his pants together. Underneath, Snape was wearing surprisingly tasteful black silk boxers imprinted with a dark gray serpent design. Hermione passed her nails lightly across the length of the serpent before hooking her fingers under the elastic band of the boxers and pulling them to his thighs.
I laughed until I cried.
posted by el goose on 12/14/2002 11:25:03 PM | link
December 10, 2002
I got to this site from Grits.Com, where the Great Mannaise Debate rages on. As does other insanity. All I was trying to do was find out how to bake a ham and I ended up in Southern Food Land. I have kind of been looking for a good recipe for collard greens that I can fix in Ohio without having to invest in a crock of lard or piles of pigs feet.
Cooking has fascinated me recently and I have cooked more in the past two weeks than in the past two years. Either it's a winter thing or a DID thing.
One thing that I have missed, missed, missed since moving from New York is Korean Deli Marinated Tofu Blocks. I doubt that that's what they are really called, but that describes them. Just about every Korean deli with a salad bar seemed to have these chunks of tofu marinating in this excellent mix of soy sauce, ginger, sesame seeds, green onions, red pepper and some type of hot sauce. Mmmm. I tried to duplicate this sauce in a lame-ass way recently, even though I have a receipe that looks like a reasonable facsimile of it to try. That's one of the reasons I'm a dangerous cook -- I wing it, and end up with things that aren't quite as God intended. Well, the sauce I invented ended up being mostly soy sauce, so of course, the tofu was too salty to eat. It took a couple of days, but I found a good recipe that allowed me to use the tofu. I had to use white potatoes and white onions, instead of red, and dried herbs instead of fresh, and it ended up quite, um, zesty. I think it was the soy sauce. I had to cook it a lot longer than the recipe calls for and I tried adding shredded mozzarella on the top. That would have been good if I hadn't had to keep cooking it for so long, so the cheese ended up (over)cooking throughout the casserole.
It's all an adventure.
posted by el goose on 12/10/2002 12:44:29 AM | link
December 8, 2002
Well, here's the first test of the new blog. It's the same old one on a new page, with a new look. I'm tired of talking to myself and thought I'd talk to the blog.
posted by el goose on 12/8/2002 07:09:14 PM | link
Fiddle fiddle fiddle. It never works the first time.
posted by el goose on 12/8/2002 07:21:20 PM | link
Once more with feeling.
posted by el goose on 12/8/2002 07:28:06 PM | link
Lucky I can delete all this crap, so you'll never know what I dork I am to keep getting it wrong.
posted by el goose on 12/8/2002 07:31:45 PM | link

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Helen's Loom
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John Bonnes '89
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Robert K. Brown '91
Old Mouse Farts
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