March 15, 2003
I made this tuna and white bean salad last night. It was quite good, but I put too much of the dressing on it. I had the leftovers for lunch; it was better cold than room temperature.
Dinner tonight was something I threw together.
1 can Ro-tel tomatoes
1 can black beans
1 can corn
chopped green onions
shredded sharp cheddar
sour cream
The canned stuff got thrown together and heated while the rice was cooking. Then everything went into making burritos, with sour cream on top.
The corn/bean/tomato filling had a good flavor and was very easy (obviously). If I do this recipe again, it will need some work, though. The recipe that I got some of the idea from was for frittatas, so maybe I'll try that. Or it might be good to fill the burrito with the rice/beans/corn/tomato and then stick the burrito under a broiler with the cheese on the top; finish off with the onion and sour cream.
posted by el goose on 3/15/2003 10:26:08 PM | link
Zagat Survey: Unfit for Print
Some uncensored comments by Zagat voters, unfortunately not linked to the restaurants they belong to.
I get sick from the food every time. At least it has consistency.
Wonder why there aren't any cats in Chinatown? Eat here.
Great portions. Car was stolen from lot.
Don't miss the second page.
posted by el goose on 3/15/2003 10:50:27 PM | link
March 14, 2003
The Wall
"And as for those government bozos who say that those who question their plans and motives is unpatriotic and aiding the enemy, well, they can just kiss my ass."
via Native Nations Network
posted by el goose on 3/14/2003 12:15:20 PM | link
Here's a story that won't make the Dayton Daily News:
A Moment of Genius, Years of Obscurity: New Zealanders are celebrating man’s first flight—and they’re not talking about Wilbur and Orville Wright
posted by el goose on 3/14/2003 12:28:21 PM | link
Time To Impeach? -- Conyers Joins Meeting To Mull Ousting Bush
Reported in Roll Call yesterday, March 13.
The story was picked up at the very end of the workday by WorldNet Daily: Move underway to impeach Bush: Conyers, anti-war activists charge 'high crimes and misdemeanors'
To me, it sort of looks like the kind of timing aimed at keeping the story out of the mainstream news. The article also looks at Ramsey Clark's early leadership of and involvement with the drive to impeach Bush. It includes some information about Clark's involvement with "questionable" elements of the anti-war movement (I'm not going to go stirring up the ANSWER stuff -- plenty of other bloggers have done that, ad infinitum, ad nauseum).
The question is whether these early calls to impeach George W. Bush stand on their own right. Has he committed high crimes and misdemeanors, or is this another in a series of solely political attacks?
Arguably, since the Clinton debacle, the value and legitimacy of impeachment itself has been tainted and turned into just another political tool. If that is true to any degree, the move to impeach Bush will die a quiet, unnoticed death. If impeachment is still a meaningful exercise of law under the Constitution, however, you will be reading more and more about it as time goes on.
posted by el goose on 3/14/2003 12:59:01 PM | link
What is this about? I wish I understood it.
posted by el goose on 3/14/2003 05:32:31 PM | link
Long time no see. Welcome to my life -- the long stretch of "later" which could be any time that isn't "now." It can make it hard to plan for the future or to get things done on time. I describe this as losing time, when I'm in now but am not taking care of anything put off until later, no matter how much later it is. In addition to this fogginess, I've got some creeping crud that's making me hack and cough and burble and wheeze. The doctor gave me some stuff either to make me cough or to make me stop coughing.
I also made a version of this therapeutic soup earlier. I used chicken broth instead of vegetable -- about two quarts along with a little bit of water, and the peeled cloves of three heads of garlic. I boiled that and then simmered for about an hour. Quite an interesting smell. I added two chopped potatoes, brought it back to a boil and then simmered somewhere around twenty to thirty minutes. Finally, I stirred in about a half a cup of tamari and served it. It sounds sort of gross, but it was really tasty and satisfying, and even better, it seemed to clear my sinuses and chest out for a while. I forgot to add the lemon at the very end, and am somewhat hesitant to do so because that sounds even grosser, but then, so what? If it's horrible, I can toss it.
I have to add that my old dog Ruby really went bananas at the way the soup smelled. She's a garlic lover from way back. So this got her little doggie heart bip-bapping away. Especially when I let her lick the dishes out. Mmmmmmmm! I might be deceiving myself that she especially likes garlic though, since I have never found a food substance that she won't eat. But I think there's a special place in her goodie-grubbing little brain that has a deep and abiding love for garlic, going back to her puppy days when I fed her raw garlic to help flea-proof her.
posted by el goose on 3/14/2003 01:13:12 AM | link
This recent headline from the Dayton Daily News was too good to pass:
Falling object startles family
MIDDLETOWN | Whatever fell from the sky and crashed through the roof of a home Monday put a fright into a Middletown mom and has spawned many questions.
There is nothing to add to this. Nothing at all.
posted by el goose on 3/14/2003 01:19:21 AM | link